Monday, October 6, 2014

Stress with Students

Everyone knows college is a time to branch out, meet new people and do things outside of your comfort zone. Most people don't really put into consideration the amount of stress it puts on college students health. Students can start to develop certain types of stress disorders when they arrive to college due to the change in atmosphere. The expectations to get an A on every test, in every class makes students feel like they are underachieving.

An article I found at UK's library called The Impact of Stress on Academic Success in College Students explains how stress can impact the way students go through school and can even impact their mental health. A study provided by Lazarus and Foldman in 1984 says, "in that they state stress is more than a response to environmental demands, bul is also related to personal perception. If an individual perceives a situation as stressful, then it is indeed stressful. Also, if an individual is susceptible or vulnerable to the negative effects produced by stressors, the situation may pose a threat or may be harmful to the individual." I believe there is a direct link between students mental stress level and the way they perform in school or even in the real world.

Some health care professionals try to identify stress through a psychological way. Another piece of evidence from this article I found was that "The researchers found that if there is an increase in the severity and intensity of the stressors, or hassles and uplifts, a person's well-being is significantly affected. In other words, there is often physiological or psychological disequilibrium when the stressors are severe and intense. " It is a very important to manage stress levels, especially during school  for students who are still continually developing.

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1 comment:

  1. This is a very well written post with a lot of information and good sources. One way to make this even stronger would to maybe include some ways to help manage stress.
