Monday, September 29, 2014

What makes a good documentary?

While making a documentary, many things must be kept in mind. Even though the information portrayed on screen is essential, there are other qualities that catch viewers attentions. The quality of production can either make or break a documentary. If it looks sloppy, unorganized or unprofessional people will not take it seriously or even worse, watch the full thing. Good camera quality, important and useful information, a clear audio and visuals also contribute. Little aspects of documentaries that viewers notice is the lighting and music. If the group is looking for a dramatic feel for their video then they wouldn't want to have upbeat happy music. They would look for a more serious tone to capture the mood.  For this upcoming group assignment it is a necessity to have a clear understanding of the main focus of the documentary within the group. If everyone in the production process can agree on decisions can make the end product much better.

1 comment:

  1. Your post does well to focus in on some less obvious aspects of good documentaries, but is rather short. I'll be looking for more substance as we get into the meat of the project.
